Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Todrov's theory

1. Equilibrium

2. Disruption of equilibrium

3. Recognition of disruption

4. An attempt to repair damage

5. New equilibrium

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Editing- The stage in the film-making process in which sound and images are organised into an overall narrative.

Continuity editing: The most common type of editing, which aims to create a sense of reality and time moving forward. It does not draw attention to the video editing process. (Example:

Jump cut- An abrupt, disorentating transitional device in the middle of a continued shot in which the action is noticeably advanced in time and/or cut between two similar shots, usually done to create discountinuity or artisitic effect. (Example:

Credits- The information at the eginning or end of a film. (Example:
