Wednesday, January 16, 2019

13th- Documentary review

1. I agree with the quote. In order for people to move on, they have to understand what lead to this point and how we cannot change the past. However, we can change the future.

2. I was not surprised by the racial underpinnings of the legislative policies of Nixon and Reagan. It has be known for years that they were racists, but needed to find another underhanded way of oppressing black people. This is why the War on Drugs started, and why the CIA distributed crack in southern Los Angeles neighborhoods, where the residents were mostly black. They could no longer enforce Jim Crow laws, so they gave black people crack and then locked them up for it.

3. Media does impact the perception of African-Americans. In the past, black people were presented as dangerous and a threat to white people. In films they were put in roles were they would prey upon white women. In the present, they are presented as dangerous criminals. Most modern rap presents black people as criminals, even by themselves. This is how entrenched this stereotype is in within society.

4. The dangers surrounding ALEC is that they create legislation that benefits the people within ALEC, and not the American people. This leads to inequality, which could push black people into crime.

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